Why are we presenting you with these rules on the processing of personal data?

We have drafted these rules on the processing of personal data to clarify what we do to ensure that your personal data remain safe and confidential. The aim of this document is to provide you with information about the personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, what sources we receive it from, what the purpose of collecting is, who we are permitted to provide the data to, and where you can get additional information about which of your personal data is processed and how it is secured.

Please note that if you do not agree with the processing of your personal data or privacy policy, you cannot use our services.

If you have already used our services in the past, you are probably aware that we offer employment agency-related services personally or through our website www.gigroup.com, as well as through other ways, including partner websites or social media. This information sheet on the processing of personal data applies to any and all personal data which we collect through these platforms or by other means linked to these platforms.


GI Group as the controller of your personal data

GI Group Perm B.V. with it’s office registered at Hogehilweg 4 1101 CC Amsterdam, is the controller of your personal data. The fact that we are a controller of personal data means that we respect the principles of personal data processing and treat your personal data solely in accordance with applicable laws, especially the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), decide on the purpose and means of the processing your personal data, and ensure that your personal data is properly secured. We protect your personal data using state-of-the-art technology and organizational measures and we regularly evaluate and update our processes behind securing your personal data.


Why do we process your personal data?

Whether you are looking for a job, replying to a specific listing, creating a profile on our website, providing us with your CV (directly or upon our recruitment or head hunting process), or contacting us for job information in other ways (electronically, in writing, on our recruitment form, by telephone, etc.), you are providing us with your personal data, which we process throughout the entire process of job placement and when providing our services. All of our services relate to job searching, the recruitment process, head hunting and personal development.

We only process your personal data for legitimate reasons. Unless otherwise specified, we process the personal data of job applicants only with their express consent, or in connection with the performance of the contract concluded with us, as applicable. If we retain your personal data, e.g. due to legal dispute, such processing is based on our legitimate interest or a legal obligation. Any transfer of candidates’ personal data to our contractual partners is based on your consent.


What personal data do we process?

We may process the following personal data or categories of personal data, depending on the services that we are providing. This does not mean that we process all the personal data below for each candidate. For example, we are unable to fully list the personal data that job applicants submit to us in their CVs and other related documents. Please note that examples may not be exhaustive.

  • Name, last name
  • Academic title, education achieved
  • Permanent address, contact address
  • Country of citizenship
  • Date of birth
  • Native language
  • Phone number, email address
  • Expected remuneration / salary
  • Driver’s license
  • Information listed on your resume, your profile on our website, the attachments to your reply to the listing or your request for job information
  • Work experience / information about previous or current employment
  • Information about registration with the Labour Office (if applicable)
  • Photograph (if you provide it to us as an attachment to your CV)
  • Link to your profile on the social networks and their content
  • Information on commencing employment, amount of salary, termination of employment
  • Language skills, special skills/knowledge and professional qualifications
  • Assessment of personality characteristics


What purposes do we process your data for?

Processing your personal data enables us to facilitate activity as an employment agent and provide related services, which include, but are not limited to, the response to your employment application and correspondence between you and your potential employers during the recruitment process. We further process personal data for contacting you and statistical purposes, such processing is reasoned by our legitimate interest.

Personal data is collected to facilitate an effective recruitment process for applicants and clients when assessing your skills, experience, qualifications, and suitability for both existing and future jobs that may be of interest to you. In particular, we assess whether you are suitable for the job as a candidate and that your education, experience and language skills meet the requirements of the listing, and whether the remuneration is in line with your expectations. This process of assessing may be categorize as profiling according to article 4 paragraph 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation. There will always be a human interference in this process. By accepting our Privacy Policy you agree with profiling of your personal data for such purpose.

Personal data are also collected and stored by us to be processed for the purpose of GI Group as a job-agency. Our website allows you to submit attachments with your application to a specific position. You submit these attachments on a voluntary basis, and the personal data contained in the attachments will be processed only for the purposes of assessing your suitability, as the candidate, for the position.

Your profile on our website allows you to link your job application with your social networking accounts (such as LinkedIn, Facebook). If you choose to provide a link to your social network account, we may process not only this link but also the data on your accounts, but only in connection with our activity as an employment agent.


Where do we get your personal data from?

We receive the majority of personal data that we process directly from you (e.g. through our website, by replying to position listing, fairs or other events, giving us your business cards etc.). Sometimes we also receive your personal data from third parties, e.g. from job applicant portals or from your previous employers, in cases when you have provided us with their contact information and consented in us contacting them, and from our clients in case of employment or other similar contract have been entered into.


How long do we store your data for?

We only process personal data for the period of time that is necessary for the purpose for which we are processing it. Assuming you do not delete your profile or withdraw your consent given by registration, we process your personal data for 7 years for tax authorities since last entering into the contract with us or our client, but not less than 1 year since the consent was granted. When we find that your data is no longer necessary for any of the purposes for which it was processed, we discard it.


Who is your personal data transferred to?

Due to the fact that we process your personal data specifically for the purpose of our activities as an employment agent and to provide related services, we transfer your data to employers looking for employees to fill position listings or listings created by GI Group. In such situation, GI Group and the potential employer are independent controllers of your personal data. Such transfer will be performed only upon your specific consent.

Personal data processed as per this information sheet may further be provided to authorized state authorities, institutions or other entities when the conditions specified by legal regulation are met. Should it be necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing personal data necessary for the performance of our legal obligations or our contractual obligations, should this be necessary to protect our legitimate interests, or should it follow from your consent, we may transfer your personal data to external suppliers, who support us during the recruitment process. Those external suppliers may be in position of processors of your personal data, in such case the suppliers are required to process and secure the personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and there always will be a processing agreement in place.

Personal data can be also used within GI Group (consisting of invullen) in order to provide international job offers.


What are your rights?

You have the right to request information about your personal data and access it. You further have the right to ask us to correct or delete your personal data or to limit its processing. You may also object to the processing of your personal data or request the portability of the data. However, please note that we do not always have to comply with your cancellation, limitation, objection or portability request. Case-by-case reviews of our legal obligations and exemptions from these rights will be made. You can exercise your rights by sending us an e-mail to nl.privacy@gigroup.com with a copy of your identity document or Hogehilweg 4, 1101 CC Amsterdam. Make your passport photo and Citizen Service Number (BSN) black/illegible in the copy, to protect your privacy. We will respond to the request as soon as possible, in any case within four weeks.

You also have the right to address your claim, complaint, or other query directly to the Data Protection Officer, Tim Turkenburg email: nl.privacy@gigroup.com with its seat at Hogehilweg 4,1101CC Amsterdam, +31 20 36 35 415.


Marketing communications

We may also use your personal data, among other purposes, to send you commercial messages regarding our employment agency services, both electronically and via SMS. We may use this data for these communications only after your consent.

You have the right to decline receiving commercial messages at any time. You may do so via email, nl.privacy@gigroup.com, through your profile, by following the link in a commercial message, or by sending a message to any of the contacts listed in these rules for the processing of personal data. You can do so also by filling out our contact questionnaire on Gi Group website.

Not every message that we send you is a commercial message. We also use your contact information to communicate with you, e.g. when sending out information on changes to these rules for the processing of personal data.


Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

Should you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact our data protection officer,

email: dpo@gigroup.com,
+31 20 36 35 415
Piazza IV Novembre n. 5, 20124 Milan,

for the attention of the Data Protection Officer